Local Authority #1

Ecology solutions for a Local Authority
Ecology Services Ltd. was commissioned by a Local Authority to undertake a preliminary bat roost appraisal and breeding bird check of a tree, that was considered to be unsafe and as such required removal.
An initial assessment was undertaken by one of our licensed bat ecologists, whom is also trained to check for nesting birds. As the tree was deemed unsafe to climb, a Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) was used to enable the ecologist to check all areas.
Following the preliminary bat roost appraisal and nesting bird check, the unsafe tree limbs were removed. The rest of the tree is to remain in situ until bird nesting has finished, with a follow up check for roosting bats.
It was great to work with experienced arborists that have received Bat Conservation Trust training on Bats and Arboriculture – Scoping survey for arborists. The course is in line with British Standards 8596 – Surveying for bats in trees and woodland.
We also found a nuthatch nesting in the tree. They have used an old woodpecker hole and reduced the entrance with mud so it is the right size for them. If you look closely you can see the beak indentations.

Nuthatch nest cavity

Cavity reduced with mud