
Our client Morley Estates bought Titan, the former Yorkshire Copper Tube site in Knowsley, which is a whopping 500,000 sq ft. The building is the largest brick built unit in Europe and Ecology Services was asked to undertake a range of surveys to allow for refurbishment works to be undertaken. The site was subject to a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA), followed by surveys for badger, amphibians and most challenging of all, a Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA) for bats! Morley Estates were pleased to find that there were no amphibian or badger issues. In terms of bats, the building only held low level of potential and following a single activity survey, the building was given a green light for the re-development.
This image shows the associated mill pond and pump house, where a number of presence absence surveys were carried out for great crested newt. The pump house was found to have an inaccessible flooded space beneath and was subject to activity surveys for bats. The survey proved the likely absence of bats but the building has not been subject to any development works. You can see the pond on the lower left of the areal image to the left of this page.

The enormous internal floor-space, which has to be seen to be believed.